Week of 04/13 to 04/17

Monday 04/13

Attendance check-in at 8:15. This link will take you to the meeting. It can also be found on our class calendar, and you will receive an email.
- No class today. Use this time to study for your upcoming test on Wednesday. Compile a list of questions to ask tomorrow.

Tuesday 04/14

Zoom meeting at 8:15 AM. This link will take you to the meeting. It can also be found on our class calendar, and you will receive an email.
- We will be doing a review and practice run for tomorrow’s test.

Wednesday 04/15

Zoom meeting at 8:15 AM. This link will take you to the meeting. It can also be found on our class calendar, and you will receive an email.
- TEST DAY! You will take the test in Desmos and I will proctor you via Zoom so that you can ask me questions in needed.

Thursday 04/16

Email attendance check-in at 8:15. I will send you an email with a question. Reply with the answer to let me know that you have gotten up for school.
- Rest day! Take today’s class time to catch up on work from this class, or other classes, or to get some well-deserved rest after studying for the test.

Friday 04/17

Attendance check-in at 8:15. This link will take you to the meeting. It can also be found on our class calendar, and you will receive an email.
- Download the new set of notes for chapter 11. PPT format or PDF format.
- Watch the video 11.1 - Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles.
- Add questions you have on the Google Classroom post.
- Work on skills practice 11.1 p7 from the chapter 11 practice packet (solutions).
I am available for tutorials today.